Everything you need to know about the new National Carers Card website

June 9, 2024

Any change can raise questions, so we’ve gathered everything you might want to know about our new National Carers Card website into this blog post. 

What are the benefits of this new website?

Everything about this website - from the design to the colours to the functionality - has been carefully thought out with the aim of making your life as a carer easier:

  • It's dedicated exclusively to carers

Our sister website disabilityid.co.uk, where you previously applied for your National Carers Card, remains dedicated to disabled individuals.

  • It makes it easier for you to apply for the National Carers Card

This website is easier to navigate, and we think it looks a lot nicer too! We’re grateful to the amazing team of designers and developers who worked on this with us.

  • Get help and advice about life as a carer on our new blog

We’ve launched a new blog, featuring help and advice articles to make your life as a carer easier. The blog will be updated regularly with new articles. Click here to read all articles.

  • Get updated info about the benefits of holding a National Carers Card

We’ve launched a page where Cardholders can see the venues their card is accepted, and all the carer discounts available to them (coming soon). Click here to view all venues and discounts.

  • Read what other Cardholders are saying about using their cards

You’ll see photos and testimonials across the website showing how other Cardholders are using their cards, and what they say about being a Cardholder.

How can I renew my National Carers Card?

If your card has expired, you can now renew on this website, NationalCarersCard.co.uk. Click here to renew your National Carers Card.

Can I still order a carers lanyard?

Yes, our premium red Carers Lanyard as well as our Face Covering Exempt Lanyard are available to buy through this website. Click here to view lanyards.

How can I see places the National Carers Card is accepted?

Click here to view all venues and carer discounts.

What about the National Disability Card?

If someone you care for has the National Disability Card, use our sister website disabilityid.co.uk to apply for or renew their card. Click here for the National Disability Card.

Is it still the same company?

Yes! The National Carers Card and National Disability Card scheme are both managed by the same company and the same team based in Suffolk, UK. We decided to launch a separate website for carers so that we could better customise our content to your needs. Read more about the company here.

Will my current National Carers Card still be valid after the website launch?

Yes, your current National Carers Card will remain valid until its expiration date (check the front of your card to see the expiration date). You can use this website to renew your card when the time comes.

Is there an option for a paper application form?

Currently, we do not offer a paper application form. We recommend using a smartphone or tablet to complete our application forms online, with assistance if needed.

My lanyard says disabilityid.co.uk. Is it still valid?

Yes, your lanyard is still valid. The transition to the new National Carers Card website does not affect the validity of your current lanyard. 

If you have any feedback about this new website, we’d love to hear from you: info@nationalcarerscard.co.uk.

If your National Carers Card has expired (or is about to expire), click here to renew.



Open Doors with the National Carers Card

Secure, easy to carry visual ID, designed exclusively by and for carers.